Our healthcare system spends upwards of $80 billion on the diagnosis and treatment of back pain.
The Truth About Back Pain
Jul 27, 2021 9:35:33 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Symptoms, Chiropractic
Carbonation….A Pain In Your Back
Aug 25, 2020 2:55:29 PM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Causes of Back Pain, Symptoms
Many people love carbonated beverages. The consensus is that soda is a bad thing, and many people have opted for healthier options, such as sparkling waters. And, alcoholic beverage companies not only sell beer, but also there is a growing trend of consumers preferring flavored alcoholic, carbonated beverages. Though flavored sparkling water may be a healthy alternative to soda, and people think flavored alcoholic beverages may be healthier than beer, these carbonated beverages can create a lot of problems for your body. As I discussed previously in Is Your Diet Causing Your Back Pain, an individual’s diet is a leading cause of back pain.
Structural Causes of Back Pain
Aug 3, 2020 11:13:45 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Causes of Back Pain, Assessments, Symptoms
After working with back patients for about 20 years, I have discovered why many patients don’t achieve back pain relief or perfect posture. To fix back pain and correct your posture, I have to focus on a patient’s structural, emotional, and digestive issues to get to the truth. Unfortunately, most doctors don’t pay attention to what the rest of the body is telling them about a patient's pain. A single-approach structural treatment plan may apply if a patient is a certain type of back pain sufferer, but may not work if an individual is a different type of back pain sufferer. In today’s post, we will focus on potential structural issues that are causing your back pain and poor posture.
Are You Suffering From DDD?
Jul 14, 2020 8:51:48 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Causes of Back Pain, Symptoms, Digestive & Nutrition
If you've tried every remedy and can't find the cause of your back pain, you may have DDD. What is DDD? It's a diagnosis that I created called Degenerative Dietary Disease, and it's the most overlooked cause of back pain.
The 4 Most Significant Back Pain Studies in the Last 30 Years
Jun 16, 2020 7:00:00 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Causes of Back Pain, Assessments, Symptoms
In my previous posts, I discussed that when I work to fix back pain and correct a patient’s posture, I focus on a patient’s structural, emotional, and digestive issues to get to the root cause. After decades of practicing, I know what to do/not do to help my patients. Below, I have listed what I believe are the most significant back pain studies that have informed my treatment process.
3 Overlooked Places That Cause Back Pain
Jun 2, 2020 7:00:00 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Causes of Back Pain, Symptoms, Exercise and Tips
Both patients and doctors might assume the source of your pain is where your back hurts. For example, if you are suffering from lower back pain, you and your doctor might think the pain is coming from your lower back. However, there are many overlooked causes of back pain, and I am here to show you how to fix these!
Tips For Fixing Tech Neck and Back Pain
May 5, 2020 7:00:00 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Causes of Back Pain, Symptoms, Posture and Flexibility, Exercise and Tips
Tech/Text Neck
Are Your Emotions Causing Your Back Pain
Mar 10, 2020 7:00:00 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Assessments, Symptoms, Exercise and Tips, Emotional & Stress
Patients come into my office often complaining of neck and/or back pain, and many are certain there is some structural cause. When patients take my structural, digestive, and emotional assessments, they frequently find there is no structural cause, but rather, the pain is caused by stress. Stress causes muscles to tighten, which can cause serious back and neck pain and also can lead to poor posture.
What Type Of Back Pain Sufferer Are You
Feb 26, 2020 7:00:00 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Causes of Back Pain, Assessments, Symptoms
“My back hurts” is a regular complaint that I hear from patients, and it sounds simple. Even before I attempt to diagnose the cause of the pain as structural, digestive, or emotional, it’s crucial that I understand how long you’ve been suffering and what you have done to try to help yourself. And if you haven’t done anything, I need to know why. Everyone can suffer from back pain - even great athletes struggle with back pain.
Structural Causes of Back Pain
Jan 7, 2020 12:24:01 PM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Causes of Back Pain, Assessments, Symptoms
After working with back patients for about 20 years, I have discovered why many patients don’t achieve back pain relief or perfect posture. To fix back pain and correct your posture, I have to focus on a patient’s structural, emotional, and digestive issues to get to the truth. Unfortunately, most doctors don’t pay attention to what the rest of the body is telling them about a patient's pain. A single-approach structural treatment plan may apply if a patient is a certain type of back pain sufferer, but may not work if an individual is a different type of back pain sufferer. In today’s post, we will focus on potential structural issues that are causing your back pain and poor posture.