It can be one of the most frustrating feelings to seek ongoing treatment for back pain, only to find that after much time and effort, you still have back pain. In my years of practice, I have seen many people come in after treatments with other doctors that yielded no results. Here are five of the most common reasons that your back pain treatments might be failing.
5 Reasons Your Back Pain Treatments Fail
Jun 8, 2021 11:59:48 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Causes of Back Pain, Assessments, Emotional & Stress, Chiropractic
Why pay attention to your viscerosomatic reactions and ultimately your pain
Apr 30, 2021 8:58:57 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Causes of Back Pain, Assessments, Digestive & Nutrition, Chiropractic
Viscerosomatic reactions are essential to understanding how the body is interconnected. Viscero means organ, and somatic refers to the body or muscular system. A viscerosomatic reaction happens when a pain signal from an organ enters the spinal cord where interconnecting neurons relating to peripheral motor (muscles, blood vessels, skin) structures also reside. What this means is that both the muscular system and your organs are linked. Simple examples of this are the Heimlich maneuver and CPR chest compressions because these life-saving techniques physically impact the body or soma.
How to Avoid Pain in Your QL
Dec 23, 2020 9:55:00 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Causes of Back Pain, Assessments, Posture and Flexibility, Exercise and Tips, exercise
The quadratus lumborum muscle, known as the QL, is an important lower back muscle that connects your spine to your pelvis. Pain in the QL can be due to overuse, stress, and strain because muscles cause pain and stiffness when they're weak or too tight. Activities such as sitting for long periods of time can reduce blood flow to an area, especially in the QL and surrounding areas.
Quick Tip, Test Your Stress Levels
Dec 18, 2020 10:45:31 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Assessments, Emotional & Stress
Back pain? Think ‘circuit breaker,’ not ‘lightbulb.’
Nov 4, 2020 9:22:34 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Causes of Back Pain, Assessments
I often get bewildered looks when a patient complains of lower back pain, and I start to examine their neck, shoulders, and feet. The patient thinks that since they are suffering from lower back pain, the problem lies in their lower back. However, more often than not, this is not the case.
I like to use the analogy of the lights going out. There could be a localized problem within the lightbulb itself, but it’s more likely that you blew a circuit breaker. Think of an electrical problem that overrode the system and caused power outages in multiple areas. Back pain is just like a circuit breaker. Most people aren’t experiencing pain in just one specific area, like a lightbulb, but are likely having pain in multiple areas, like a circuit breaker.
A cause of the “circuit breaker of back pain” could be stress, poor posture, or digestive upset. If you don’t fix the underlying circuit breaker issue, you will constantly be replacing the bulbs. I have three guided resources to help determine what could be causing your back pain. Click here to take my structural assessment, here to take my emotional assessment, and here to take my digestive assessment.
Eastern cultures that created acupuncture views the body as having energy sources. This is an approach that I certainly subscribe to! This shift in approach can really make a difference in understanding your back pain's causes and solutions.
5 Tips to Correct Your Posture
Aug 3, 2020 11:16:26 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Causes of Back Pain, Assessments, Posture and Flexibility, Exercise and Tips
Who do you think has more back pain and worse posture: The farmer, who spends his day plowing a field and shoveling manure, or the office worker, who works at a desk for eight hours a day? The answer - most likely, the office worker.
Structural Causes of Back Pain
Aug 3, 2020 11:13:45 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Causes of Back Pain, Assessments, Symptoms
After working with back patients for about 20 years, I have discovered why many patients don’t achieve back pain relief or perfect posture. To fix back pain and correct your posture, I have to focus on a patient’s structural, emotional, and digestive issues to get to the truth. Unfortunately, most doctors don’t pay attention to what the rest of the body is telling them about a patient's pain. A single-approach structural treatment plan may apply if a patient is a certain type of back pain sufferer, but may not work if an individual is a different type of back pain sufferer. In today’s post, we will focus on potential structural issues that are causing your back pain and poor posture.
The 4 Most Significant Back Pain Studies in the Last 30 Years
Jun 16, 2020 7:00:00 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Causes of Back Pain, Assessments, Symptoms
In my previous posts, I discussed that when I work to fix back pain and correct a patient’s posture, I focus on a patient’s structural, emotional, and digestive issues to get to the root cause. After decades of practicing, I know what to do/not do to help my patients. Below, I have listed what I believe are the most significant back pain studies that have informed my treatment process.
Balance Your Core And Reduce Back Pain
Mar 24, 2020 7:00:00 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Causes of Back Pain, Assessments, Posture and Flexibility, Exercise and Tips, Core & Abs
Core imbalance wreaks havoc on people of all shapes, sizes, and occupations. The following is a synopsis of two of my patients, who had very different lifestyles:
Are Your Emotions Causing Your Back Pain
Mar 10, 2020 7:00:00 AM / by Dr. Todd Sinett posted in Assessments, Symptoms, Exercise and Tips, Emotional & Stress
Patients come into my office often complaining of neck and/or back pain, and many are certain there is some structural cause. When patients take my structural, digestive, and emotional assessments, they frequently find there is no structural cause, but rather, the pain is caused by stress. Stress causes muscles to tighten, which can cause serious back and neck pain and also can lead to poor posture.